
Add lets you create a new record of a given resource. The add method is available on the resources that support it. (For example on the users resource don't have access to any mutation methods).

The add method is asynchronous and accept a data object and an optional option object. The shapes given to the data and the option are fully typed so you will benefit from auto-completion and missing required fields. The option is also typesafe and will be available on some resources (most resource don't have options).

You will benefit also from run-time validation, the data you input will be parsed before being send through the network.

Simple example without options

Here we create a Post with the minimum required fields: title:

import { TSGhostAdminAPI } from "@ts-ghost/admin-api";
const api = new TSGhostAdminAPI(
const postAdd = await api.posts.add({
  title: title,
import { TSGhostAdminAPI } from "@ts-ghost/admin-api";
const api = new TSGhostAdminAPI(
const postAdd = await api.posts.add({
  title: title,

Create a member (with options)

The members resource accept an option to send an email or not to the member:

import { TSGhostAdminAPI } from "@ts-ghost/admin-api";
const api = new TSGhostAdminAPI(
const memberAdd = await api.members.add(
  { name: "Philippe", email: "" },
  { send_email: false }
import { TSGhostAdminAPI } from "@ts-ghost/admin-api";
const api = new TSGhostAdminAPI(
const memberAdd = await api.members.add(
  { name: "Philippe", email: "" },
  { send_email: false }


The result will be parsed and typed with the output schema and represent the newly created record.

// return from the `add` method
const result: {
    success: true;
    data: Member; // parsed by the Zod Schema given in the config
} | {
    success: false;
    errors: {
        message: string;
        type: string;
// return from the `add` method
const result: {
    success: true;
    data: Member; // parsed by the Zod Schema given in the config
} | {
    success: false;
    errors: {
        message: string;
        type: string;